January 22, 2025
Among the many charitable organizations that we partner with, as an author, one holds a special place in my heart.

Page 15 is a nonprofit that help children grades 3-12 improve their literary efficiency through after-school-programs, summer camps and an annual high school creative writing contest. Page 15 helps youth who have a passion for writing find their voice and take their talents to the next level Every year, Central Florida students are presented with an intriguing and engaging theme and are asked to submit one piece of writing. Fifteen finalists from across Central Florida are selected to be published in a one-of-a-kind illustrated anthology of student writing.
Since the genesis of the cell phone emoji’s have replaced complete sentences. In 1990, the number of cell phone users was around 11 million. By 2020 this number grew to a whopping 2.5 billion! Declining writing ability has been a mounting concern for those involved in secondary and higher education. Some believe the quality of student writing is worse than ever before, moreover, there is evidence that student writing is getting worse. Unfortunately, a slew of empirical studies conducted over the past thirty years have provided ample evidence that those who believe that writing continues to decline are indeed correct.

Julia Young, Founder and Executive Director

Since 2008, Page 15 has been working in the historically under-served community of Parramore in Central Florida and continue to be committed to helping children in this neighborhood discover the valuable skills they need to transition onto a path of opportunity. The valuable work that Page 15 does not only help change young minds but is helping change the fabric of an entire community. This is the generational transitional type of organization that I like to partner with.
If you would like to make a contribution to Page 15 you can do so at: Donate – Page 15. Amazingly, for just $15.00, you can support the “Young Writer’s Society” after school program. Your donation will provide a Young Writers Pack that includes journals, pencils, erasers and even snacks.
By the way, the backstory for the name Page 15 is as follows: Founder and Executive Director Julia Young grew up in downtown Orlando but spent a few weeks every summer at her grandparents’ farm in upstate New York. She spent her days picking vegetables, hiking, and reading.
Both Julia and her grandmother “Teddy” were enthusiastic readers. Julia, however, was also a restless reader. She struggled to stick with new books beyond the first few pages. Teddy, having lived through the hard years of World War II and the Great Depression noticed this behavior with some distress. “I give up” was not a part of her vocabulary.
One afternoon, as Julia sat beside a pile of discarded books, Teddy bestowed upon her granddaughter a personal rule of thumb, a rule that would one day inspire many more generations of young readers.
“When reading a book, you must read until page 15 before you decide whether to keep going or to choose a different story“.
Teddy Hoover bestowed some wise wisdom to her young granddaughter.
Don’t give up on something until you’ve given it a fair chance.
A good rule for reading a book…and for life.
Thanks for traveling with us.
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