November 23, 2024
Livorno, Italy is the starting point for trips to Florence and overnight trips to Rome.

As we took an extended family holiday to Florence and Rome in 2018, we decided to explore in greater detail the beautiful providence of Tuscany, Italy. For those of you who have never visited Florence or Rome I thought it was important to give you an overview of those two beautiful cities.
Florence, Italy.
The main reason to visit Florence is to see Michealangelo’s masterpiece, David. Michelangelo’s sculpture of the Biblical figure David has become one of the most recognized works of Renaissance sculpture, a symbol of strength and youthful beauty. Sculptured from one block of stone between 1501 and 1504, Michelangelo’s statue is the best known and the most often reproduced of all the artistic works created in Florence.
I have had the opportunity to visit Michaelangelo’s David, five times now, the first time being in 1973. Each time I have visited I have been in awe of this amazing sculpture.
I read an article that the sculpture appears so real that at times it may appear as if it is breathing.
I needed to test that theory.
I recognize that it is only an optical illusion and projection on my part but as I stared at the statue for some time, I could swear that I saw the statue’s chest breathing.
Now I know that it was an optical illusion, but honestly, a pretty cool one!
It only speaks to the masterful skill of Michaelangelo.

Another reason to come to Florence is to see the iconic scenes of the Ponte Vecchio, a Medieval arch bridge over the Arno River. It’s the only bridge spared by World War II and is lined with shops. And, of course, to drink the coffee.

Rome, Italy
First, Rome is a busy city! Think of New York City, but with worse drivers. Yet, it is a city that should be seen, if possible, even if only once.
As I shared, we took a family vacation to Rome in 2018. Here is a photo as we are all preparing to enter the underground caverns by the Parco del Colle Oppio. And you think Americans take a lot of photos. Not compared to Koreans! Witness Chongae’s brother and sister-in-law.

Another reason to visit Rome is the Coliseum and the Roman Forum. It is not uncommon, however, to have these historical monuments be in a state of repair. As evidenced by the Forum pictured in 2018. It is my understanding that it is still undergoing restorations.

Tomorrow, I will tell you all about beautiful Tuscany.
Thanks for travelling with us.
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