March 4, 2024
First, the pronunciation. Kobe is not pronounced with a long “e” like Kobe Bryant but rather with a long “a” like the Australians say “gooda”. Think Ko-bay. You will be corrected if you pronounce it incorrectly.
Kobe, Japan is world famous for its marveled beef which can cost from $75.00 to $200.00 dollars per person dependent on the cut in a fine restaurant. Luckily for me Chongae loves sushi so I escaped from adding to the local economy.

Osaka, Japan is a short train ride from Kobe. This historic area escaped fire-bombing during World War II and destruction from the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Today it is full of shrines, temples, cemeteries and old wooden buildings, and populated by artists, restaurants and shops. One of the famous shrines is the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine.

Unfortunately, I learned today that a good friend of mines son has been diagnosed with prostate cancer that has travelled to his lungs. This is tragic news for any parent. The only way to handle such news is to depend on the emotional building blocks that you have assembled throughout life that help prepare you for events that you hope will never happen. I know my friend and his wife are good parents and will make all the sacrifices and important decisions necessary to help their son. Theirs and my day will be marked by this news.
It has been my experience that all cultures symbolize their holy petitions. Some use candles, others incense and the most notably is the Western Wall in Jerusalem known in the west as the Wailing Wall. The Talmud states that anyone who prays there “it is as if he has prayed before the throne of glory because the gate of heaven is there and open to hear all prayers”. I have witnessed first hand the pilgrimages of worshippers who will place slips of paper containing written prayers into the crevices of the Wall.
The shrine in Osaka offered a unique symbolism. There are ropes hanging where you can tie a prayer request. My understanding is that when your prayer request is answered you remove your note. As it is the nature of man that we are imperfect people living in an imperfect world there would naturally be an ebb and flow of prayer requests and prayers answers.

I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is more powerful than persuasion. Prayer is when we lock arms together to offer protection to those who feel like the storms of life may overtake them. When I was in the hospital last month I was surprised by many, who I did not know prayed who shared “we’re praying for you, Tom”. Our daughter Erin wrote that she had women from her church praying for me. I did not know any of the women but felt encouraged by their spiritual support.
I would ask you to pray for my friend, his wife and their son. They don’t need to know who you are, but I am certain that when I tell him that I have asked others to pray for them he will feel encouraged.
Never stop praying. If you have stopped, start again.
Thanks for travelling with us…
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