February 8, 2024
I tested these new clean arteries with two long back to back flights (Orlando to Los Angeles 5 hours, Los Angeles to Honolulu 5 hours) and all is well. Best for me to get back in the saddle as soon as possible.
There are 8 schedules sea days between Hawaii and Guam so a great controlled environment for exercise and stress reduction. We do cross the International Date Line and if you remember from school it is the internationally accepted demarcation of the surface of the earth, running between the North and South Poles and serves as the divider between one calendar day and the next. Because we are traveling east we lose one day.
Some years ago when I also crossed the Date Line I tried to explain to my grandson Oliver that PaPa had lost a day. He innocently asked: “PaPa, why can’t you go back and find it?” I was honored that he subscribed me such super powers, but the day was gone. Many years earlier when I was in Rhodes he asked: “PaPa, where are you?’ I said: “I’m in Greece.” Not yet knowing his geography I was told he thought I was in a pot of hot oil! Luckily, now at 11, he knows where Greece is and recently sent me the most adorable email that any grandfather could receive. He’s a pretty good writer-all the punctuation was perfect.
Truth be told, I was pretty upset that I lost that day. Maybe I’m learning that every single day we are given is precious.
That’s a good thing for me to remember.
Thanks for traveling with us…
Dear Papa,
I hope this email finds you in the midst of some amazing adventures aboard the cruise ship! While you’re off enjoying the open sea and all the exciting destinations on your itinerary, I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that we’re thinking of you back home. I can only imagine the incredible sights you must be seeing and the new experiences you’re having each day. Whether you’re exploring exotic ports of call, indulging in delicious cuisine, or simply relaxing on deck with a good book, I hope every moment is filled with joy and wonder. Here at home, we’re doing well, but there’s definitely a noticeable void without you around. Your laughter, stories, and wisdom are dearly missed, and we’re eagerly looking forward to your return so we can hear all about your adventures in person. In the meantime, please know that you’re in our thoughts and prayers every day. Take good care of yourself, soak up every moment of this incredible journey, and know that you’re dearly loved and missed. Also on March 14th our class is going to Kennedy space center. I’m Looking forward to our cruise, Wishing you fair winds and smooth seas, Papa! I’ll make sure to send more emails soon!
With all my love,
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