Arica, Chile…
February 13, 2025 We have left Peru and continue our voyage visiting eight ports along the long coastline of Chile before reaching Ushuaia, Argentina commonly referred to as “the last place on earth”. Ushuaia received its nickname because it is the last port before crossing Cape Horn and Drake Passage notorious for its extremely rough…
San Antonio, Chile…
February 17, 2025 Today’s port was San Antonio, about an hour or so from Santiago, the capital of Chile. Until about five years ago, cruise shops docked in Valparaíso, a city with much more to offer tourists than San Antonio – such as walking right off the ship into town. Labor disputes resulted in the…
Isla Robinson Crusoe, Chile…
February 19, 2025 The year was 1704. Alexander Selkirk, a Scot sailing on a British privateer didn’t like the way the ship was being run. He thought it was dangerous and would founder (turns out he was right) and he demanded to be let off the ship. The captain obliged marooning him on the Juan…
Isla Robinson Crusoe, Chile Part 2…
February 19, 2025 When we sailed away from Isla Robinson Crusoe it was pitch black. The lights from the homes of the 800 residents who lived there appeared like the flickering of the light from one single candle. What was it like for Alexander Selkirk to live on that deserted island for 44 months in…
Puerto Montt, Chile…
February 21, 2025 When you travel around the world not all ports are going to be busy. Some are going to be more laid-back places to hang out before you head toward somewhere else. So it is with Puerto Montt, Chile. Puerto Montt, Chile reminded me very much of Airlie Beach, Queensland. Nobody really stays…
Castro Isla Chiloe, Chile…
February 22, 2025 If Puerte Montt was a place for people passing through, Castro Isla Chiloe is the place for families to gather. It being Saturday, many families were out and about. We are in the Southern Hemisphere, and unlike many of you who are battling cold winters it is summer where we are. Chile…
Puerto Chacabuco, Chile…
February 23, 2025 Puerto Chacabuco, Chile is the gateway to Patagonia. There are three Patagonia. You may be more familiar with one than the other two. If you are more familiar with the Patagonia store or Patagonia beer, I understand. The real Patagonia is hard to get to. The Carretera Austral (Southern Way in English) is…
Punta Arenas, Chile…
February 26, 2025 When I visit a new port there are a few things that I try to do if time allows. I like to visit the local church, browse through the neighborhood supermarket and if close by walk through the town’s cemetery. Cemetaries are also free until you die and then they can get…
Ushuaia, Argentina…
February 27, 2025 Ushuaia, Argentina is known as Fin Del Mundo (The End of the World) because of its southern most position in Argentina the last stop before reaching the Antarctic. I enjoyed seeing the monuments along the waterfront to Magellan and other polar explorers who went beyond the “end of the world”. This continent…
Sea day…
On the way to the Antarctic. March 4, 2025 On my way to Trinidad in January 2024, I realized how much I like sea days. Sea days are exactly that. The days that the ship is at sea between destinations. Many passengers can’t wait for the arrival at the next port. Not me. It is…