February 19, 2025
When we sailed away from Isla Robinson Crusoe it was pitch black. The lights from the homes of the 800 residents who lived there appeared like the flickering of the light from one single candle.
What was it like for Alexander Selkirk to live on that deserted island for 44 months in such darkness? I imagine he made a fire to cook but not light that he could carry with him. I thought if he only had a flashlight or better yet a flashlight and a mirror. You see a flashlight only sends scattered light in one direction. Unlike sound waves that overlap, light waves are one dimensional. If Alexander had a flat mirrored surface, the mirror would reflect the light from the flashlight doubling its intensity and narrowing its focus.
One of the readers of the blog asked about my partnership with Thirdmill and how the organization got its name. The name Thirdmill was chosen because we have entered the third millennium, three thousand years since the death of Jesus Christ. During the first one thousand years the teachings of Jesus were spread by the written word. During the next one thousand years by the printed word. We have now entered the technological age where information is spread by the internet and artificial intelligence (AI).
I cannot overemphasize the impact of artificial intelligence. If you think the internet was big in 1999 wait until you see the impact of AI. I predict that within 5 years: every student will have an AI tutor, every businessperson will have an AI consultant, every physician will have an AI researcher.
I strive to be very pragmatic in my giving and with whom I develop strategic relationships with. I believe Thirdmill is developing cutting edge technologies to share the good news of the gospel.
Think of them as a mirror reflecting the light of the Bible to magnify its message and focus its life changing purpose on an ever-increasing dark world.
That’s a cause that I can get behind.
Thanks for traveling with us.
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